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Sikkim TET Sikkim Teachers Eligibility Test 2025 and 2026 CDP Child Development Pedagogy Syllabus

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The Sikkim Education Department conducts the Sikkim Teacher Eligibility Test every year as the official eligibility criteria for appointment as Primary Teacher for Classes I to V and for Elementary (Graduate) Teacher for Classes VI to VIII. The information in this article covers the CDP syllabus for the Sikkim TET 2025 and 2026.

Some of the basic rules of the Sikkim Teacher Eligibility Test STET are:

  • The Sikkim Teacher Eligibility Test will be conducted once every year including 2025 and 2026
  • A candidate who has previously qualified in the STET may also appear again for improving his/her score in the following years – there are no limits on the number of attempts
  • A general candidate who scores 60% or more in the exam, will be considered as Sikkim TET pass. Refer to the official notification for relaxation provided for SC/ST, Central and State OBC candidates
  • The validity of the STET 2025 and 2026 certificate will be till the candidate crosses the employability age as per the State Government norms.

Importance of Child Development and Pedagogy

As a beginner teacher, the theoretical and critical understanding of children’s physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development lays a foundation that is crucial for understanding children and preparing oneself better to begin working with them.

As such, the CDP section intends to test the student-teacher’s psychological foundations of teaching and learning and his/her understanding of the developmental processes of children with diverse abilities and multiple contexts.

It also attempts to assess the student-teacher’s knowledge of different approaches to child development and learning, in the light of principles of behaviourism, information processing, cognitive development, constructivist, socio-constructivist and cross-cultural awareness.

The content and pedagogical processes mentioned in the Child Development and Pedagogy syllabus are selected on the following criteria:

  • Core concepts based on theoretical foundations of child development and learning
  • Policies and legislative frameworks envisaging child-friendly and inclusive education
  • NEP 2020 recommendation on age-appropriate, critically important domains of language, cognitive, socio-emotional development, and child-centred system of learning based on empirical research on pedagogy

Sikkim Teacher Eligibility Test 2025 and 2026 Paper I – Child Development and Pedagogy Syllabus

The Sikkim TET Paper I is the essential qualification for the role of a Primary Teacher, for classes I to V. The Test items on Child Development and Pedagogy will focus on Educational Psychology of Teaching and Learning relevant to children of the age group of 6-11 years.

The Child Development and Pedagogy CDP part of the Sikkim TET Paper I will consist of 30 questions, out of the 150 MCQs. Each question will carry one mark.

I. Child development (primary school child) (15 Questions)

1. Concept and principles of development and its relationship with learning

a. Principles of growth and development
b. Factors influencing growth and development
c. Domains of development and milestones in early and middle childhood
i. Gross and fine motor skills
ii. Cognitive development
iii. Social development
iv. Emotional development

2. Development of speech and language

a. Language development in different ages
b. Factors influencing language development
c. Uses of language

3. Socialisation processes: The social world and children (teachers, parents, peers.)

a. Parenting: Family and adult-child relationship; child-rearing practices; impact of separation from parents, and children in institutionalised settings
b. Schooling: Peer influence, school culture, relationship with teacher, relationships with peers, competition and cooperation, competition and conflict, aggression and bullying during childhood
c. Early childhood care and education: Definition; objectives and principles of ECCE; different approaches to early childhood education, planning and management of an ECCE curriculum; foundational literacy and numeracy

4. Theoretical constructs and critical perspectives

a. Piaget’s stages of cognitive development
b. Kohlberg’s theory (moral development)

5. Acts and policies

a. National Policy on Education (1968, 1986), National Curriculum Framework 2005, National Education Policy 2020
b. Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009

II. Concept of inclusive education (5 Questions)

1. Meaning and importance of inclusive education

a. Historical and contemporary perspectives on inclusive education
b. Acts and policies: Rehabilitation Council of India Act (1992), Integrated Education for Disabled Children (IEDC), RPWD (2016), NEP 2020 (with special focus on inclusive education)

2. Addressing individual differences among learners from diverse backgrounds

a. Understanding differences based on diversity of language, caste, gender, community, religion etc.
b. Understanding challenges of socio-economically disadvantaged groups- regional, linguistic, and ethnic groups
c. Gender as a social construct; gender roles, gender bias and educational practice
d. Socio-cultural variations in language: Bilingual/multilingual children, linguistic variations, implications for a multicultural classroom

3. Addressing needs of children with different abilities

a. Learning disabilities: Meaning, characteristics and identification of children with learning disabilities
b. Approaches and techniques for helping learning-disabled children.
c. Children with Disabilities: Types, role of teacher while dealing with Children with Special Needs (CWSN)/divyang children
d. Gifted Learners: Meaning, characteristics and identification of gifted children

4. Child labour and child abuse

a. Acts and policies, challenges, and their implications on child development (physical, sexual, emotional, verbal) (POCSO Act, Child labour Act, State Council for Protection of Child Rights

III. Learning and pedagogy (10 Questions)

1. How children think and learn

a. Theories of learning and their educational implications

i. Learning: Concept and type of learning (Gagne’s Classification) Gagne’s hierarchical theory of learning
ii. Behavioural or stimulus: Response connection theory; Pavlov’s classical conditioning learning, Thorndike trial and error learning, Skinner’s operant conditioning learning
iii. Bandura and Walter’s social learning theory
iv. Vygotsky’s theory; concept of Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD)

b. Bloom’s Taxonomy of cognitive domains

c. Factors contributing to learning- Personal, social, and environmental

d. Concept formation
i. Meaning of concept
ii. Mental processes in concept formation
iii. Factors affecting development of concepts in childhood
iv. Bruner’s model of concept learning
v. Piaget’s views on concept formation

e. Thinking and reasoning
i. Concept and nature of thinking
ii. Linkages between thinking and learning

2. Basic processes of teaching and learning: Children’s strategies of learning (transfer of learning etc.); learning as a social activity; social context of learning

a. Learning process: Learning concept, characteristics, principles, types, domains
b. Transfer of learning: Meaning, types, theories, and educational implication
c. Approaches of teaching and learning: Project method, discussions, problem-solving method etc.
d. Play – meaning, characteristics, and types
e. Play and its functions: Linkages with the physical, social, emotional, cognitive, language and motor development of children; socio-economic differences in children’s play

3. Assessment and learning

a. Different ways of recording and interpreting data: Measures of central tendency- mean, median and mode, anecdotal records, observation, checklists, portfolio etc.
b. Approaches to assessment: Formative and summative assessment
c. Characteristics of good assessment: Validity, reliability, fairness, objectivity etc.

Sikkim Teacher Eligibility Test 2025 and 2026 Paper II – Child Development and Pedagogy Syllabus

The Sikkim TET Paper II is one of the eligibility criteria for the role of a Graduate teacher, for classes VI to VIII. The Test items on Child Development and Pedagogy will focus on Educational Psychology of Teaching and Learning relevant to children of the age group of 11-14 years.

The Child Development and Pedagogy CDP part of the Sikkim TET Paper II will consist of 30 questions, out of the 150 MCQs. Each question will carry one mark.

I. Child development (elementary school child) (15 Questions)

1. Concept and principles of development and its relationship with learning:

a. Principles of growth and development
b. Factors influencing development: Heredity and environment
c. Domains of development and milestones in early childhood, middle childhood, and adolescence
i. Gross and fine motor skills
ii. Cognitive development
iii. Social development
iv. Emotional development
v. Language development

2. Socialisation processes

a. Concept and nature of socialisation
b. Agencies and processes of socialisation
c. Socio-economic status and its impact on learner’s development
d. Impact of culture – social class, ethnicity

3. Piaget, Kohlberg, and Erikson: Constructs, critical perspectives, and educational implications

a. Piaget’s Cognitive Development theory
b. Kohlberg’s Moral Development theory
c. Erikson’s Psycho-Social Development theory

4. Intelligence

a. Concept, definition, and nature of intelligence
b. Understanding learners from the perspective of multiple intelligences
c. Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences: Construct and critical perspectives
d. The changing concept of intelligence
e. Effect of heredity and environment
f. Measuring intelligence

5. Gender as a social construct: gender roles, gender bias and educational practices

a. Social construction of gender
i. Differences between gender and sex
ii. Gender socialisation and gender roles
iii. Gender discrimination at different levels of institutions (institutions related to social, cultural, religious, economic, political, and educational settings)
iv. Third gender and transgender: Types of gender identities

b. Gender issues in curriculumi. Gender concerns related to access, enrollment, retention, participation, and overall achievement
ii. Role of curriculum, textbooks, classroom practices and school culture in promoting gender equality

6. Acts and Policies

a. National Policy on Education (1968, 1986), National Curriculum Framework 2005, National Education Policy 2020
b. Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009

II. Concept of inclusive education (5 Questions)

1. Meaning, need, and importance of inclusive education

a. Transition from segregation to inclusion
b. Acts and policies: Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI), Integrated Education for Disabled Children (IEDC), and Rights of Persons with Disability (RPWD) 2016, National Trust Act 1999. NEP, 2020 with regards to inclusive education
c. Role of teachers working in inclusive settings and resource teacher/ educator in facilitating inclusive education

2. Individual differences among learners from diverse backgrounds

a. Understanding differences based on diversity of language, caste, gender, community, religion etc.
b. Understanding challenges of socio-economically disadvantaged groups-regional, linguistic, and ethnic groups
c. Constitutional provisions, educational schemes, policies and programmes for scheduled tribes, scheduled castes and other backward sections
d. Inclusive strategies and education for children with diverse needs

3. Addressing the needs of children with different abilities

a. Concept of disability, impairment, and handicap

b. Types of impairment/ disabilities
i. Blindness and low vision
ii. Hearing Impairment
iii. Mental retardation
iv. Leprosy cured
v. Neurological and motor disabilities
vi. Autism Spectrum Disorder
vii. Multiple disabilities

c. Learning Disabilities (LD)
i. Meaning, types, characteristics
ii. Identification of children with learning disabilities
iii. Approaches and techniques for teaching children with learning disabilities

4. Mental and physical well-being

a. Meaning, characteristics and significance of mental health
b. Factors influencing mental health
c. Ways to promote positive mental health in schools
d. Health and physical education: essential qualities, planning, community participation
e. National Health Policy-2002

III. Learning and pedagogy (10 Questions)

1. How children think and learn

a. Learning process
i. Learning – concept, characteristics, principles, types, domains
ii. Transfer of learning- concept, types, theory of transfer of learning (theory of mental discipline, apperception, identical elements, and generalisation) and its educational implications
iii. Constructivism and learning – types and principles of constructivism

b. Theories of learning and their educational implications

i. Behavioural or stimulus-response connection theory – Pavlov’s classical conditioning learning; Thorndike’s trial and error learning, Skinner’s operant conditioning learning)
ii. Gestalt theory – (Kohler’s insightful learning, Tolman’s sign learning)
iii. Gagne’s hierarchical theory of learning
iv. Bandura’s social learning theory

c. Factors contributing to learning- cognition, emotions, heredity, and environment

2. Basic processes of teaching and learning: Children’s strategies of learning; learning as a social activity; social context of learning; child as a problem solver and a scientific investigator.

a. Different types of instruction
i. Teacher-controlled instruction – lecture, demonstration, inductive-deductive, discussion, team teaching
ii. Learner controlled instruction – programmed instruction, computer-assisted, personalised system, project method, problem-solving method

3. Personality types

a. Definition, types, characteristics, and traits
b. Freud’s psychoanalytic theory

4. Assessment and Learning

a. Statistics- data organisation, frequency distribution, graphical representation, central tendency, variation, normal distribution, percentile rank, correlation, and their interpretation
b. Feedback as an essential component of formative assessment
c. Principles of constructing objective, short answer, essay, and interpretative type questions
d. Characteristics of good test: Reliability, validity, objectivity, and usability

Sikkim TET 2025 and 2026 Official website

All Candidates interested in taking up the Sikkim TET 2025 and 2026 should regularly check the official website at and ensure that they are up to date with the latest notifications and / or changes in the exam.

The official website will have the latest details of the application process, the STET 2025 and 2026 Information bulletin, Syllabus and the Exam Notification.

Click on the YouTube video link in the article above, to watch the entire video on YouTube. You can also click on the 'Chapter' link time-stamps to go directly to the specific question or part of the video.

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If you have any questions, comments or feedback - please post them as YouTube comments under the specific videos and we will clarify or reply as soon as possible.
STET Sikkim Teacher Eligibility Test CDP Child Development and Pedagogy Official Syllabus Detailed Explanation Videos Important Questions MagicExam