The PDF file below covers the chapter Understanding children in inclusive context 3 – Inclusive Education. The specific topics and contents of the file are listed below.
This study material is useful for the study and revision of the essential and important concepts of Child Development & Pedagogy, Mathematics Pedagogy, EVS Pedagogy, Social Science Pedagogy and Language Pedagogy for CTET Paper 1 and Paper 2 and other teaching exams, such as KVS, TET, REET, DSSSB, UPTET, MPTET, MahaTET, APTET, TSTET, RTET, HTET KARTET, TNTET and PSTET.
Check out the - CTET & Teaching Exams Study Material page for other preparation books from this series.
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Contents covered in this part of the PDF book under Understanding children in inclusive context 3 – Inclusive Education
Unit 7 : Introduction of Inclusive Education
- 7.0 Introduction
- 7.1 Learning Objectives
- 7.2 Concept of Inclusive Education
- 7.2.1 Meaning and nature of inclusive education
- 7.2.2 Need and importance of inclusive education
- 7.2.3 Inclusive education as distinct from other related concepts
- 7.3 Factors affecting Inclusive Education
- 7.3.1 Diversity among the learners
- 7.3.2 Preparedness of teachers
- 7.3.3 Infrastructure
- 7.3.4 Availability of resources
- 7.3.5 Evaluation system
- 7.4 Creating an Inclusive classroom
- 7.4.1 Making use of learning materials
- 7.4.2 Modifying the physical environment
- 7.4.3 Adapting simple classroom management techniques
- 7.4.4 Employing child friendly evaluation System
- 7.5 Children at risk for exclusion from education system
- 7.5.1 Children with disabilities
- 7.5.2 Children from the deprived environments
- 7.5.3 Girl child
- 7.5.4 Children who are gifted and creative
- 7.5.5 Others – underachievers, minority communities, geographic constraints
- 7.6 Let us sum up
- 7.7 Suggested Readings and References
- 7.8 Unit-End Exercises
Unit 8 : Concept of CWSN
- 8.0 Introduction
- 8.1 Learning Objectives
- 8.2 Understanding Children with Special Needs
- 8.2.1 Cognitive Disability
- 8.2.2 Hearing and Speech Impairment
- 8.2.3 Speech Impairment
- 8.2.4 Visual Impairment
- 8.2.5 Loco motor Impairment
- 8.2.6 Multiple Impairments
- 8.2.7 Learning Disability
- 8.2.8 Emotional and Behavioral Disorders
- 8.2.9 Concept of “Waiting Children”
- 8.3 Early Identification, Assessment and Intervention
- 8.3.1 Identification of Disabilities
- 8.3.2 Assessment
- 8.3.3 Early Intervention
- 8.4 Disability Act and policies
- 8.4.1 Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities?
- 8.4.2 Persons with Disability Act 1995
- 8.4.3 The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Bill, 2011
- 8.5 Let us sum up
- 8.6 Answers to check your progress
- 8.7 Suggested Readings and References
- 8.8 Unit- End Exercises
Unit 9 : Education of CWSN
- 9.0 Introduction
- 9.1 Learning Objectives
- 9.2 Educational challenges of Children with Special Needs (CWSN)
- 9.2.1 Learning characteristics of CWSN
- 9.2.2 Educational system and the needs of CWSN
- 9.3 Curricular adaptations
- 9.3.1 Need for curriculum adaptation
- 9.3.2 Adaptation of curriculum to meet the needs of CWSN
- 9.3.3 Adaptation of evaluation methods for CWSN
- 9.4 Facilities to cater to learning needs of CWSN
- 9.4.1 At school, cluster, block, district and state levels,
- 9.4.2 Inclusive education of children with disability
- 9.5 Inclusive class rooms
- 9.5.1 Class room adjustment and management
- 9.5.2 Use of suitable teaching learning material (TLM) and Information Communication and Technology (ICT)
- 9.6 Home based Education
- 9.6.1 Concept
- 9.6.2 Procedure for Home based education
- 9.7 Let us sum up
- 9.8 Answer to check your progress
- 9.9 Suggested readings
- 9.10 Unit End Exercises
Unit 10 : Development of adoptive skills (DAS), Assistive Device (AS), Special Therapies (ST)
- 10.0 Introduction
- 10.1 Learning Objectives
- 10.2 Adaptive skills
- 10.2.1 Meaning of adaptive skills
- 10.2.2 Adaptive skills for Hearing impairment, Speech impairment
- 10.2.3 Adaptive skills for Multiple disability/Cerebral palsy
- 10.2.4 Adaptations for learning disability
- 10.2.5 Adaptations for intellectual disability
- 10.2.6 Adaptations for visual impairment
- 10.2.7 Adaptations for locomotor disability
- 10.2.8 Role of teachers
- 10.2.9 Exercise
- 10.3 Assistive devices
- 10.3.1 Meaning of assistive devices
- 10.3.2 Assistive devices (table) for different Impairments and disabilities
- 10.3.3 Role of teacher in classroom
- 10.3.4 Assistive devices for persons with: multiple disabilities (include Cerebral palsy, loco motor disability)
- 10.3.5 Visual impairment
- 10.3.6 Learning difficulty
- 10.3.7 Hearing impaired
- 10.3.8 Speech impairment
- 10.4 Special methods
- 10.5 Let Us Sum Up
- 10.6 Answer to Check Your Progress
- 10.7 Suggested Readings and References
- 10.8 Unit-End Exercises
This study material was originally published on the National Institute of Open Schooling – NIOS website as part of the study material for the Diploma in Elementary Education (D.El.Ed) programme.
If you have any questions or doubts related to Understanding children in inclusive context 3 – Inclusive Education or other topics under Child Development & Pedagogy, Mathematics, EVS, Social Science or other subjects for CTET Paper 1 and Paper 2 and other similar teaching exams, such as KVS, TET, REET, DSSSB, UPTET, MPTET, MahaTET, APTET, TSTET, RTET, HTET, KARTET, TNTET and PSTET, you can contact us through the comments section of any video on the MagicExam YouTube channel.
Check out the - CTET, TET and other Teaching Exams Study Material page for other preparation books and material from this series.
We have answered and solved the questions from various CTET previous question papers 1 and 2 on our YouTube channel.Subscribe to MagicExam YouTube channel for free videos on CTET 2025 and 2026, KVS, TET, REET, DSSSB, UPTET, MPTET, MahaTET, APTET, TSTET, RTET, HTET, PSTET and other Teaching exam preparation, solved question papers, syllabus analysis, result related news and other information videos.