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The Chhattisgarh Teacher Eligibility Test CG TET 2025 and 2026 is conducted by the Chhattisgarh Professional Examination Board under the aegis of the State Government.
The CG TET is the essential eligibility Test for appointment as a teacher in class I to VIII in the state.
The exam consists of two separate papers – I and II of 150 marks each. Passing paper 1 is essential for appointment as a teacher for classes 1 to 5; and paper 2 is the essential qualification for appointment as a teacher for classes 6 to 8.
Chhattisgarh State Teacher Eligibility Test CG TET Paper I (For classes I to V)
Child Development and Pedagogy : (This section will contain 30 questions and total marks will be 30)
Questions in this paper will be based on the Education Psychology and teaching-learning processes of children belonging to 6 to 11 age group.
While preparing for this paper, candidates should go through the questions on the understanding individual differences of children and deciding the appropriate teaching-learning processes, role of teacher as a facilitator for the success of learning processes in classrooms, knowledge about different types of classroom interactions, modern teaching methods/ techniques etc.
Unit 1: Introduction to child development – 7 marks
Concept of development, stages of development – prenatal / infancy / early and post childhood / adolescence.
Physical, cognitive, social development.
Factors affecting development – nature, nutrition, continuity and discontinuity, early and later experiences, social and cultural background of child development.
Knowledge about different methods to study children.
Unit 2: Dimensions of Development – 7 marks
(a) Physical and motor development, development of physical control and coordination
(b) Emotional and Moral development.
Some basic principles, change in the body parts and their proportions, development of control (macro and micro), emotional development, moral development, (school and home environment, friend /peer, groups and relation with adults, social and cultural background of child development, personality development and socialization
Unit 3: Learning and cognitive development – 9 marks
What is learning and how children learn?
Review of different theories – behavioral, structural, social concepts.
What is Cognition?
Views of Jean Piaget on children’s thinking, construction of knowledge, schema, assimilation, accommodation, organization, equilibration, characteristics of adolescent thinking what is mental operation, development of thinking from early childhood to adolescence and its stages, sensory, motor, pre – operation, concrete operation, formal operation, educational importance of Piaget’s theories, Lev Vygotsky’s theory, Zone of Proximal development (ZPD), Role of teachers in scaffolding.
Child as a problem solver and a scientific investigator.
Alternative conceptions of learning in children, understanding children’s ‘errors’ as significant steps in learning process.
Motivation and learning.
Unit 4: Children with Special Needs – 7 marks
Children with Special Needs – meaning, defect, damage, disability, similarity in differences, working with differently abled children
Knowledge and Syllabus – need of a syllabus, concept of syllabus, concept of curriculum, problems in syllabus construction, criteria for the selection of syllabus. Right to education Act – 2009 (role and responsibilities of teachers), child rights.
Chhattisgarh State Teacher Eligibility Test CG TET Syllabus Paper II (For classes IV to VIII)
Child Development and Pedagogy (This section will contain 30 questions and total marks will be 30)
Questions in this paper will be based on the Education Psychology and teaching-learning processes of children belonging to 11 to 14 age group.
While preparing for this paper, one has to go through the questions on the understanding individual differences of children and deciding the appropriate teaching-learning processes, role of teacher as a facilitator for the success of learning processes in classrooms, knowledge about different types of classroom interactions, modern teaching methods/ techniques etc.
Unit 1: Development of child (Primary School Child) – 7 marks
Concept of development and its relation with learning, various theories of children’s development, effect of heredity and environment, critical perspective of the construction of intelligence, multiple intelligence, language and thought, individual difference among the learners, language differences, differences in comprehension or understanding based on sex, community, caste and religion.
Difference between evaluation for learning and evaluation of learning, school based evaluation, continuous and comprehensive evaluation, perspective and practice.
Unit 2: Concept of Inclusive education and teaching children with special needs – 5 marks
Education of children from deprived and weaker section of the society, difficulty in learning, teaching differently abled children, teaching creative children and children with special abilities
Unit 3: Learning and Pedagogy – 10 marks
Basic methods of teaching – learning, strategies for ensuring learning of children, learning through social activities, social context of learning, children – as a scientist to do some research and as a person to solve the problems.
Cognition and emotions, motivation and learning, factors contributing for effective learning – individual and environmental.
Chhattisgarh Teacher Eligibility Test CG TET 2025 and 2026 official website
All candidates taking up the Chhattisgarh Teacher Eligibility Test CG TET 2025 and 2026 should regularly check the official website at for the latest notifications, updates, syllabus, previous question papers and other essential information about the exam.
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Subscribe to MagicExam YouTube channel for free videos on CTET 2025 and 2026, KVS, TET, REET, DSSSB, UPTET, MPTET, MahaTET, APTET, TSTET, RTET, HTET, PSTET, KARTET, TNTET and other teaching exam preparation, solved question papers, syllabus analysis, result related news and other information videos.
If you have any questions, comments or feedback - please post them as YouTube comments under the specific videos and we will clarify or reply as soon as possible.