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CTET CDP Vygotsky Zone of Proximal Development ZPD, Scaffolding, More Knowledgeable Others MKO

CTET CDP Vygotsky Zone of Proximal Development ZPD, Scaffolding, More Knowledgeable Others MKO
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What are Vygotsky’s Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD), Scaffolding and More Knowledgeable Others – MKO?

Every new skill that we learn, goes through three zones.

First, I cannot do it. Then, I learn the basics and I can do it, but with some help, then I reach a stage where I can do it independently.

In terms of time, the things that I cannot currently do, but I can learn in the future, are future learning.

Things that I can currently do, but with some help, are my current learning.

Things that I have learnt in the past and I can do independently, are my past learning.

The zone of my current learning, is my zone of proximal development. For example, there was a time when I could not drive a car.

Then there was a time, when I could drive a car, but with some help.

Then, I became an expert; and I could drive a car independently. The zone when I could drive a car, but with some help, was my Zone of Proximal Development.

The help and the support that was given to me in my Zone of Proximal Development, is called the Scaffolding.

The person, who gave me the help and support, is the more knowledgeable other (MKO), since he or she needs to know more than me, to be able to help me.

Click on the YouTube video link in the article above, to watch the entire video on YouTube. You can also click on the 'Chapter' link time-stamps to go directly to the specific question or part of the video.

Subscribe to MagicExam YouTube channel for free videos on CTET 2025 and 2026, KVS, TET, REET, DSSSB, UPTET, MPTET, MahaTET, APTET, TSTET, RTET, HTET, PSTET, KARTET, TNTET and other teaching exam preparation, solved question papers, syllabus analysis, result related news and other information videos.

If you have any questions, comments or feedback - please post them as YouTube comments under the specific videos and we will clarify or reply as soon as possible.
CTET CDP Vygotsky Zone of Proximal Development ZPD Scaffolding More Knowledgeable Others MKO